Creating a world where disabled people are connected and included, no matter what.
Your monthly donation could help pay for a child who is deafblind to attend a Sense pre-school group with their parents.
£15 a month could help pay for a sensory disco kit, complete with glowsticks and sensory toys, so a child who is deafblind can experience the joy of a disco!
£10 a month could help pay for a set of musical bells, to be used in music therapy.
£20 a month could help pay for a one-to-one arts session, live or online, between an artist and a child who is deafblind.
Your donation could help pay for a child with complex disabilities to attend a Sense pre-school group with their parents.
£100 could pay for a visit from a Sense Children and Family Support Worker who can give invaluable advice and support to the whole family when they need it most.
£50 could help pay for a set of 5 light-up sight and sound tubes for a child who is deafblind to help stimulate their vision and hearing.
£25 could help pay for colourful, textured sight and sound tubes. These tubes contain jingling bells, so a child who is deafblind can explore different sounds and sensations.
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Sense will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.
Or donate by telephone by calling 0300 330 9257.
Ernie has Down's syndrome. He and his whole family are supported by Sense's family centre near Bristol.
Secure payment
Without the right support, people with complex disabilities could feel isolated and left out of life.
Sense is here for people with complex disabilities, including deafblindness, at every stage of life.
Your vital support could create moments of joy and connection, like a disabled child communicating with their parents for the first time, or an adult making a new friend in an accessible arts class.
These are the moments that lead to important milestones, like learning new skills or living independently.
Together, we can make a difference for people with complex disabilities.
Donate today
You can also give us a call to donate: 0300 330 9257, 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday, or donate a regular gift by text.
Learn some British Sign Language with your new favourite teacher, Mr. Tyrese.
With a gift in your Will to Sense, you can bring joy to children who are deafblind, or have complex disabilities, for years to come.
Celebrate the life of someone special with a gift in memory.
Sense is a registered charity number 289868. Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales number 01825301.
Registered office at 101 Pentonville Road, London N1 9LG. Copyright © 2025 Sense