Will you help a child like Luca find their magic key?

Receive your own magic key pin badge as thank you when you give a gift today.


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A young boy enjoying being cooled by a fan

Luca has CHARGE Syndrome. He and his whole family are supported by a Sense’s family centre near Birmingham 

Will you support children with complex disabilities?

Deafblindness can be very isolating for a child.

But you can help a child like Luca find their magic and unlock a world of potential.


Faye, Luca's mum, says: "When I look back to how I felt when he was diagnosed, on the very day he was born, I can hardly believe how much he's achieved - and that's all thanks to Sense and you."  


 Make a donation to make sure children with complex disabilities aren't locked out of lifeYou'll receive a magic key pin badge as a special thank you gift. 

We can help children like Luca learn to communicate with those they love through tailored support.

During the pandemic we found new ways to support families online

We can run specialist preschool groups at Sense Family Centres, so children like Luca can learn through sensory stories, music and messy play.

Please will you donate today?

Whatever you donate will make a huge difference

You can also give us a call to donate: 0300 330 9257, 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday, or donate a regular gift by text